The Problem
For decades, the doors were wide-open for ministries like the Gideons to give Bibles to students. But culture was shifting and doors were closing.
A generation of teenagers was being lost, as schools were quickly becoming an unreached mission field.
The Solution
The doors remained wide open to students reaching students. So, what if we could help local churches mobilize their student missionaries put the Power of the Gospel in the hands of every student?
In mid-2009, God called youth ministry veteran Carl Blunt to lead a new Gideon-funded venture. The goal was to develop an innovative ministry designed to help local churches mobilize their students to put the Power of the Gospel in the hands of their peers.
The Result
By the fall of 2009, a small team had been assembled, God had used Carl to create The Life Book [see & read], and a unique strategy was in place to help churches mobilize their students as missionaries to their peers.
During the first test distribution in late 2009, students from several different churches gave 20,000 Life Books to their peers. Lessons were learned, systems were streamlined and by early 2010, website was open for churches across the country to request Life Books. During the spring of 2010 about 60,000 Life Books were handed out by students.
God Doing His Thing
As the team continued to simplify the process and expand awareness, the 2010-2011 school year would prove to be a huge leap as over 500,000 Life Books would hit the hands of teenagers.
It was clear that God’s hand was on this ministry as over the next few years, the distribution numbers shot up significantly every year. God moved on the hearts of a growing number of pastors and youth leaders who were excited for their students to be involved in this simple approach to evangelism.
For His Glory
Wholly funded by The Gideons International, God continues to use The Power of the Gospel and willing students to make an eternal impact.
Today, over 4.1 Million students have been involved with the distribution of more than 54 Million Life Books in the United States alone.
God has now opened doors in Australia for students to reach students with the gift of the Gospel!
By His Power
We are passionate about the Power of God’s Word. According to Romans 1:16, “The Gospel is the power of God to salvation for those who believe.”
We also know that every time The Life Book hits the hands of a student, God accomplishes His purpose through it as Isaiah 55:11 guarantees, "So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it."